Wednesday, June 2, 2010

City Streets Part 2

I had opportunity to test my road bemusement today, and failed, miserably.
The geography of this account will be easier for local Winnipeggers to comprehend, but the rest of you are welcome to follow along, as long as you sit quietly and don't rustle papers.

Coming off Disraeli towards Main St; already late for work but expecting a bit of a slower commute during rush hour, the traffic slows to a dead stop.
There is a closed lane. I see a sign, some pylons and a barricade.
It is 4:45

I move over to the still moving lane and roll down the window to enjoy the spring sunshine. I am only about a dozen cars from Main St. Shouldn't be too long, right? The folks in my lane are polite and begin to let the trapped cars in to make the turn, as do I.
The traffic light changes, once twice, five times, and I move ahead one car length.
Beside me have appeared another set of trapped drivers, all eager to get to where they are going. And the polite folks let them in. I have a certain amount of tolerance for these sneaks, I have resorted to this tactic myself on occasion, when in a hurry.
It is 4:55

This is about where the bemusement begins to change to irritation, but the sun is warm and the tunes are blasting; life is good. I have now not moved an inch in 10 minutes. One or two cars get through every light change, but I seem glued to the road where I sit.
Beside me appear another set of trapped drivers. And the generous folks ahead let them in.
My relaxed pose is begins to leave me, my irritation is steadily morphing into anger. I glue myself to the car in front of me; inching forward one more car length. I am done being polite.
It is 5:00

A few impatient cars leave the turning lane to seek an alternate route, but each is replaced by those goddamn sneaks! The lights change, and again, and again.
I could not see far back, but in 20 minutes I guessed the traffic was likely backed up at least to the middle of the freeway if not all the way back over the river.
It is 5:05

Finally! I reach the barricade, dying to see why we have been held back for; what monumentally important construction or event has held us all back all this time.

There is nothing, no construction, no event.

I thought about all the irritation yet behind me; all those poor people, waiting, growling, muttering, cursing. For nothing.

On went a big grin and the super cape and out the door I flew.
First the sign,
then the pylons,
then the barricade.. I dragged them all up on the sidewalk;
before the light turned green.

And I didn't feel angry any more.